jueves, noviembre 18, 2010


Robots are not new. As long as 400 BC, the philosopher and mathematician Archytus built a wooden bird that could fly on its own. And in the seventeenth century, Johann Muller created both an iron fly and an artificial eagle that could take to the air by themselves. These days of course robots are everywhere.
But are they a good thing? I sometimes ask myself.
David Hanson´s robots faces look like yours: they recognize and respond to emotion and make expressions of their own. Watch the video

Inventions and their usefulness or importance is a common topic in FCE .One of those inventions nearly  forgotten  but useful is THE UMBRELLA , invented over four thousand years ago.
Who invented the umbella? Do you know? If not, I encourage you to read the following 

1 comentario:

  1. I think robots would make our life easier if we were able to design and use them in an appropiate way, in orther to help us doing the things we don´t like to do. I am amazed with the robot which recognizes and imitates your face expressions.

    PD:I liked very much the song "Hey Jude" you put us today in class.

    Iñigo Maeso 1º E


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