jueves, mayo 30, 2013


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Questions completed so far: 1/8.
  1. You hear a young man talking. Why did he go back to college?
    1.   He needed a better job.
    2.   He needed an evening activity.
    3.   He needed new skills.
  2. You hear a man talking on the radio. What is he?
    1.   an inventor
    2.   a company employee
    3.   a writer
  3. You hear someone talking on the radio about an artist. How does the artist feel about his work?
    1.   He would like to exhibit it in an art gallery.
    2.   He wants to make his creations last longer.
    3.   He is happy to see his work destroyed.
  4. You hear a woman talking to her son. Why is she talking to him?
    1.   to give him a warning
    2.   to refuse permission
    3.   to make a suggestion
  5. You hear part of a lecture about the role of retired people in the economy. What is the lecturer describing?
    1.   reasons why something is changing
    2.   errors in statistical information
    3.   disagreements between researchers
  6. You hear a chef being interviewed on the radio. Why did he decide to become a chef?
    1.   to follow a family tradition
    2.   to develop a natural talent
    3.   to pursue his love of cooking
  7. You hear a teenager talking about the sport she plays. How does she feel while she is playing the sport?
    1.   uncomfortable
    2.   embarrassed
    3.   confident
  8. You hear an explorer talking about a journey he is making. How will he travel once he is across the river?
    1.   by motor vehicle
    2.   on horseback
    3.   on foot

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